Our prayers answered.
I heard the other day on the radio that when we face hard times, our pets do too. This has certainly been true in recent weeks for my family. My mother is 89
years old and her health has been declining significantly in the past
few months. Being independent and living on her own has always been a
top priority for her. However, several falls within days of each other
made it apparent, not only to us, but even to her that she was no longer
able to care for herself at home. Even with all of the services we had
put in place for her, her safety could not be maintained. Thankfully,
she is adjusting very well to her new environment in a long term care
Of course, this move meant dismantling a home, making multiple phone calls, and
navigating financial decisions. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many
questions. But the one question nobody could answer was “What will
happen to Katie?” Katie is my mother’s beloved 13 year old tabby cat .My
mother had rescued Katie from a local shelter when she was just six
months old and from the beginning they have shared a beautiful bond. The
most obvious solution would seem to be for me to take her in
myself. However, my cat, Nellie, has health issues that prohibit adding
another cat to our family. After an exhausting search among family and
friends to see if anyone could take Katie, my husband and I had come up
empty. I began reaching out to no kill shelters , but they were all
full. The fact that my mother lived in senior housing made the situation
more urgent.
My husband and I made sure that Katie was well cared for after my mother had to leave her apartment. We were very fortunate that my mother’s dear friend, Marie,
visited her twice a day to feed her, clean her litter box and spend time
petting her and playing with her. Marie encouraged me to focus on my
mother and let her care for Katie. She loves Katie very much, but also
could not take her in. Although Katie was receiving love and care daily,
I knew that she was spending most of her time alone and no doubt
missing my mother.
As the time grew closer to emptying my mothers apartment, I was running out of shelters to call and barely hanging on to hope that Katie would get a second
chance In a new loving home. One night, I was discussing the situation
with a dear friend and she let me know about Charlie’s Angels. With the
small amount of hope I had left , I made a call and heard back from
Kandi almost immediately. Kandi listened compassionately as I explained
Katie’s predicament and the emotional impact it was having on me. Kandi
agreed to make a few calls and get back to me. Later that night, I
received a call from Kandi stating that she had found someone who was
interested in meeting Katie. We set up a time for the meeting and it was
the first time in weeks that I could see a real possibility for a great
outcome for Katie. When Kandi, Chris (potential new mother), and I met up with Katie, it couldn’t have gone better. Katie was relaxed and enjoyed all of the attention being given to her. Chris sat on the floor and it was as though Katie sensed that this was a person worth getting to know. It didn’t take long for Chris to decide to give Katie that second chance I had been praying for. We packed up Katie’s food, bed, cat tower, and her favorite toys. Marie arrived and was able to give Katie a hug. I held Katie and told her I loved her and what a joy she had always been for my mother. Kandi snapped a few photos and then they were off to bring Katie to her new home.
A few hours later, I received a message from Kandi that Katie did well on the ride
and was adjusting well in her new surroundings. Kandi also sent pictures of Katie looking very comfortable in Chris’s home. She was already sitting in a window checking out her new view. This made my heart full and I called my mother to let her know that Katie is once again in a loving home. My mother was so relieved to hear this news. I cannot express how great the need is for organizations like Charlie’s Angels
and animal lovers like Kandi who truly answer prayers.